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Certificate in Strategic Digital Sales Leadership & Management

Up to 90% funding!

Duration: 2 days


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Contact: +65 68165301


Certificate in Strategic Digital Sales Leadership & Management

Programme Overview

As business owners or sales leaders, have you been thinking about the blueprint for building a high-performance sales team post-pandemic?


According to a recent McKinsey report, 70-80% of B2B decision makers prefer remote interactions or digital self service over face to face engagement even after the lockdowns have ended. B2B sales leaders have to quickly adapt to the new digital reality and accept that there will be a new set of norms despite organization shifting back to in person work and travel restrictions will be eased. 


This Building & Leading a High Performance Sales Organization program is designed to help business leaders, founders and sales leaders who plan to build or manage a team to become more effective, improve capabilities to drive motivation and sales productivity of the sales teams. During this program, participants will learn relevant skills in order to build and lead a high performance sales team post pandemic. Through project hands on and cross pollination learning experiences in groups or pairing, participants will receive guidance on how to overcome the new challenges faced when hiring, onboarding and managing a remote sales team. Some of the key elements covered in this program include: Sales Leader’s role & responsibility, sales culture and design a high performance sales team blueprint.

Strategic Digital Sales
Leadership & Management

  • Where are you at with sales enablement maturity level

  • The strategic role of sales 

  • Building a high-performance sales culture

  • Different sales leadership styles, transformational sales leadership and what really works

  • Design compelling sales strategies to drive sales performance

Group Assignments
Group Presentation

Who Should Attend


Ready to Embark on Your Sales Leadership Journey?


Level 22 & 23, Odeon Towers,
331 North Bridge Road,
Singapore 188720



For any general inquiries, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. 

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